So the year of our lord 2007 is over. That was probably the longest year of my life, but it was also one of the most important. I lost a lot of myself and gained a lot of it too. Either way though, I wouldn't revisit it. There was so much drama, in every sense of the word. However, in the time I spent back home for Christmas, I charged my batteries pretty well, and I'm now looking at 2008 with brightly burning optimism. I feel renewed in my purpose, and now I see this year as mine for the taking.
Now I'm a sucker for New Years resolutions. I may not achieve them all, but I like setting the goals for myself anyway, and trying to get to them. So here are a few of them that I can think of right off the bat.
-rig the US presidential elections so the democrats win, or so Stephen Colbert wins.
-be a better listener
-be a better reader
-finish the Harry Potter series
-read more plays
-read more CanLit
-read more contemporary lit in general. I have way too many old
dead guys sitting on my shelves. Not that I mind their company,
I need to spice up my personal library with a little more variety.
-actually give up something worth giving up for Lent. Or just give
something up in general.
-get writing into my daily schedule
-go to the gym
-meditate more
-watch more movies
-submit at least one article to the Martlet
-submit at least one comic to the Martlet
-finish my old sketchbook once and for all
-draw more
-get my freaking drivers license
-get to know my res-people a little better
-write to Grandma and Grandpa
-Learn how to love myself, and judge others less
I don't feel like these goals are exactly unrealistic, either. Well, maybe the last one (that's an ongoing affair which, I imagine, will last all my life). I find I'm happiest when I've got purpose, and these things will give me purpose in my efforts to achieve them. As always, my overarching goal perhaps is to learn how to find happiness in the journey as much as if not more than the destination.
I've got to be more open. I have to be willing to try things that would be worthwhile, even if I may not "feel like it". Although that attitude is sometimes called for as well, a lot of the time it just gets in the way of the experiences I should be having. I feel more motivated now, so let's see how this works.