Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fare Thee Well, Unemployment.

YAAAAAAY!!!! I FINALLY GOT A JOB! Ahhhh that feels good. Now I feel like I'm starting to make some more tangible progress, if only a little bit. I'm finally getting somewhere. I know, it's pretty sad to measure the progress of my life by whether or not I get a part time job. But seriously, it does 2 things: passes the time and gets me money, most of which I can save up for school, and some of which I can buy stuff with. ANd that's no small feat is it?
Yes, it's Safeway Starbucks. I'm finally a corporate whore! Hurrah! And you know what? I'm fine with that. Besides, even if I come to hate this job, I can keep in mind it'll only be for a few months. And then sayonara (sp?), Calgary! So yeah, my orientation is this Thursday.

In other news, I think once I get time I'm going to start writing the script for my new play. Talking to Dean (the Greek one) about his scriptwriting has inspired me to get back in the game once again. So as soon as my hands aren't tied with essays and projects and applications and paperwork, I will get started.

I also want to enter Stroll of Poets again, but I don't know when the deadline is, or if I can enter even though I most likely won't be there when it happens...

Well, I'd like to keep chatting, but I can't sit on my laurels forever, although I'd like to. Stupid goddamn homework. Ok, I'll talk to you all later.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Here's a short thing I wrote a couple months ago, just thought I'd post it. Looking back on it, it seemed like I was trying so hard to sound thoughtful and introspective, and in reality I still have no idea what I'm talking about. But no matter; tripe or no tripe, I just liked writing it:

i'll let life move me in me
churn me please,
the milk of human kindness
constantly recycling reincarnating old trash
in bins and depots overflowing
with this lovely life-garbage
a seasonal dawning the resurrection
the good news erection

and we'll all peel out of those old hides on
occasion but we're dying to get back in
patching quilts of past-life skins
to document the self with self-armour
because life is that old beast that deadline
the dead-feeling those face-kisses and missed
phone calls the unturned pages of the calendar

to which you come home to every night and
stare at in the mirror over and over hoping
to force a change, constantly wrenched from
a constant new womb thrust into a
new family, a commune of strangers
who have nothing in common but that
same warm place,
that same once-occupied space
we all have recorded deep down in
the blueprints of our hearts.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hey all. Sorry for the dry spell...

At Bellafonte's was an unequivocal success, I'm happy to announce. I suppose everyone's heard about it already, but whatever! For those who didn't get to see it, I believe it has been filmed, for yearbook, I think. I don't know what the quality of the film will be like, but at least there will be some footage on it.

Chanda got valedictorian, by the way. I'm genuinely happy for her, but she'd better do a fantastic job of this, or else...

We're into the swing of term 2, and already I'm tired of it. I just want this year to be over, and end all this stress once and for all. Why did I take on so many things at once? I barely even got a break over exam break.....

I've finished the application process to UVic. Brandie is sending in Westmount transcripts, and the official ones are on their way later this week. I really REALLY need to get out of here!

Tomorrow, I'm going to apply at another Safeway, where Peter, Johanna, Jaki, Megan, Erica and godknowswhoelse work. Johanna and Jaki tell me there's a good chance I'll get hired, so I really hope this goes well.

Sadly I have to weight a bit longer for Drivers Ed. I'm so tired of goddamn waiting! ARRGUHIUHRIUHGTUH!!!

I'm not sure how I'm doing.

I'm really sorry guys. I'm just rather stressed and confused and sad and burned out and BLAHGYHUBIUH87@^&*%@#&*^T# right now. I'll be ok though, don't worry. things will be ok, eventually.

Please make summer come soon.....