Monday, August 25, 2008

In Praise of Nerd-dom

Star Trek is awesome. My dad and I have been watching a few of the old Star Trek movies; we watched the Wrath of Khan, the Search for Spock, and the Voyage Home, and now we're looking for the other ones. We also watched Generations and First Contact. AND we went to the town Vulcan, which is probably the Star Trek capital of this side of the universe, or at least Alberta. Watching them all and this trip has revived my love for this franchise. And seeing them now after not having seen them for many years has made me appreciate them that much more, and made me realise how mature of a show it was. It was well-written, and the idea behind it is something I really like. The concept of a time where humans have all united and in a way evolved morally and turned their efforts to exploring the universe and reaching out to new races is quite literally ahead of its time, and something that we should all aspire to. Yes, bold words for what started as basically fun sci-fi TV show. But Gene Rodenberry was on to something, I think. It's mostly entertainment and fantasy, but beneath the funky alien makeup, phasers and tri-corders, and best of all the cheesy special effects (well in the TV show, anyway. The movies were pretty up to par), there's something more than mere escapism. It's a vision of optimism for our planet and for all life. So make fun of it all you like; it's still not such a bad idea to boldly go where no one has gone before. And if nothing else, it's just plain fun.

On a related note, I've revived my inner nerd, and I couldn't be happier about it. I recently purchased Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, which is apparently pretty good, according to my friends, and it won the Hugo and Nebula Awards, which is a big deal in sci-fi circles. I want to get my hands on 2001: A Space Odyssey and read it before I see the movie. And this is all an effort to delve into science fiction, which is a genre I've long neglected. I've also been told by some people that Battlestar Galactica is an awesome show, so I shall have to look into that, too. I've also started buying comic books again. I recently bought issue 500 of the Uncanny X-Men, trying to get back on track (the last one I got was 461, and before that, somewhere in the 380's. I'm a bit out of the loop, you see.) I also plan on reading Spawn again, because he's just wicked. And finally, I really want to read the Watchmen graphic novel, which I've only heard good things about. A few months ago Geoff recommended I read them, and now that I see the trailer for it, I think I have to. It's a sign. It's also the only comic to have won the Hugo Award, which is pretty cool. Anyway, this is all good for the young pre-teen in me. So if nothing else, that's what this summer has given me. A renaissance of the geekiest kind.

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