Monday, December 13, 2010

John Ralston Saul, Aboriginals, Citizenship, and Our F#$%ing Inferiority Complex

I just finished reading John Ralston Saul's book A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada. Quite a hefty read for the holidays, but worth it in the long run, I'd say.

A Fair Country revolves around Saul's argument that Canada is a 'Métis Civilization'*. The reason we have such an identity crisis as a nation is because we aren't asking the right questions. He believes that the mythology that our country is based on a European, Enlightenment-era model of a monolithic nation-state is an inaccurate portrayal of ourselves. Rather, our society is based on the values and principles Aboriginal culture: egalitarianism, social welfare, complexity, and balance with the environment. This current runs through our collective unconscious and has for the past four hundred years, Saul believes. The problem is that it remains in the unconscious, not our consciousness.

The reason we stumble as a nation is because we fail to acknowledge this, and when we succeed and excel as a nation it is not merely by accident. Medicare, Peacekeeping, Multiculturalism--ideas spearheaded by ambitious and forward-thinking Canadians--are not things that came about in spite of our national character, but because of it. He argues that Canada was based on three cultural pillars: the French, the English, and the Aboriginals. It is by acknowledging and restoring this third and senior pillar that we can find a balance and unleash our power as a nation. For the first settlers and traders to survive in the harsh conditions of Canada they had to develop strong and trusting relationships with the indigenous peoples, who already lived there. Every model of industry we inherited from Europe, from government to agriculture, only worked when we compromised them and found a balance with the Aboriginal way of life.

The same is true now for our survival as a healthy society. We suffer from an inferiority complex because, as a former colony, we judge ourselves by an imperial yardstick. The idea of linear progress, of a monolithic, racially defined nation-state devoted to Enlightenment ideals, and a Judeo-Christian, Manichean worldview--these elements together do not work for Canada. When we resort to this worldview, we are imagining someone else, not ourselves. And when we see the reality come short of our self-image, we think there is something wrong with us. These European-U.S. models of thinking are not inherently wrong (except maybe for the racially defined part). At least, they certainly aren't inherently ineffective. They worked well for other countries at other times. But what worked for the U.S. will not work for us.

Our greatest blunders are often a result of this colonial thinking, where we defer power and authority to someone else--we didn't do anything unless it had London's approval, and now we don't unless it has Washington's approval. This, Saul argues, has affected every level of Canadian society, but especially its elite. He credits individual initiatives to make the country a better place, but he argues that unless there are sweeping changes in elite thinking and institutional initiative, real change won't be possible. The part of the book where he levels an attack on Canada's elite--business managers, politicians, administrators, leaders in both private and public sectors--he titles 'The Castrati', implying that our elite has been emasculated and weakened as a group by this kind of colonial thinking. The reason we remain in this colonial mind-frame is because we believe that we are the direct inheritors of European thinking. Saul suggests that if we realize that we owe more to the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit for our identity than we do Europe and the Enlightenment, we might be able to break free from our dependancy on Empire for self-worth.

At the very foundation of his whole argument is that Canada's healthy sense of self is linked to the well-being of the Aboriginal peoples in Canada. The former is dependant on the latter. It sounds like a stretch, but even when his arguments are on the verge of collapsing under their own weight, he somehow ties them together. It all kind of makes sense. At least, I'm willing to give the idea a shot.

He's not suggesting that we abandon our European roots that actually do exist--some of these things work!--and start mimicking Aboriginal culture. This would be a superficial act, disrespectful to all parties involved, and beside the point. Nor does it mean that those who are non-Aboriginal need to romanticize, worship and elevate indigenous people to superior status in order to find who we are. What we need to do is own those fundamental principles we have inherited from our indigenous roots as a nation, and recognize that to lose Aboriginal culture is to lose a vital part of ourselves, as much as it would be to lose our Anglophone or Francophone roots.

I'm not really doing the book justice. He talks of Canada being a 'Métis Civilization', that our motto 'Peace, Order, and Good Government' should be 'Peace, Fairness, and Good Government, and that while these are minor details, being careful and precise about the language we use to describe ourselves will have enormous impact on our social imagination. He mounts argument after eye-crossing, head-splitting argument to show the validity of this point. I also might be oversimplifying or misrepresenting some aspects of his ideas, so I suggest reading it for yourself to decide whether or not there's actually something to what he's saying. I'm drawn in by his theories, because it looks to me like he is giving historical evidence for the reasons we fail, and why we are great, which is something I haven't seen anybody else do before. Not so thoroughly, anyway. I'm very green in Canadian politics and history, but I can tell that this is the kind of book that can make waves. Big ones. Andrew Cohen points out the major problems with Canada and proposes solutions, but Saul takes us to the root of the problem, which might strengthen our efforts to improve this country in the long run.

I think a great thing I've taken from reading this book is that, if what he is putting forward is true, then I don't have to be so cynical about our leaders, and politicians in general. I haven't seen much in our leaders today to have hope, but Saul cites examples of gutsy and effective leaders who really did listen to their people and changed the country for the better. Canadian politics may seem childish and ineffective now, but it hasn't always been, nor will it always be that way for all time. Andrew Cohen said that while we haven't produced a Stalin or Hitler, we haven't produced a Churchill or Roosevelt either. The more I learn about our history, the more I have to question that. What made Churchill and Roosevelt great leaders? They spoke to their people in a way that they needed. The words and actions of these men resonated deeply and directly with a certain time and a certain place, and for that they are immortalized. I think that we had leaders just like this, who connected with the people and place of their time. If one must parade our individuals like shiny trophies before the world, then I could list Lester Pearson (Peacekeeping), Pierre Trudeau (Multiculturalism, Charter of Rights and Freedoms), Tommy Douglas (Universal Healthcare), the Fathers of Confederation, who negotiated our independence--making ours the first colony to do so entirely without bloodshed. This is quite extraordinary in that context, and anybody who doesn't recognize that is simply ignorant. I realize that all of these examples are white males. Yes, we obviously have a long way to go. But that's also me not knowing enough of our country's history, its movers and shakers, so I have to throw in that disclaimer. (That's not even counting the legions of brilliant minds that have emerged from our country: Margaret Atwood, Emily Carr, Mordecai Richler, David Suzuki, Leonard Cohen, K'Naan, Alexander Fleming, Marshall McLuhan, Douglas Coupland, Louis Riel, Robertson Davies, Neil Young, Rohinton Mistry, Michel Tremblay, Robert LePage, Tomson Highway). My point is, that although treating these achievements like scores in a competition is silly, we would have no problem dropping names. We have a culture of highly influential people. If this proves nothing, and people still feel that we are immature as a society, then just wait. If this is true, Saul is wrong and we are simply a baby nation, I think Robertson Davies has the best rebuttle to that. "Cabbages can be grown quite quickly; an oak takes longer, and I do not think my country should be contented with a cabbage culture." Either way, I don't think Saul is wrong. It is also our responsibility to embrace our history and actively participate in our communal affairs so we don't repeat the atrocities committed by our forebears. This is an age-old, tired argument to use, but it must be repeated until we get the point. So not only is it crucial that we rise above apathy and cynicism, but it is entirely possible too.

I find that the more I read these kinds of things, the more I understand the full meaning of Citizenship. For a long time I resisted the concept of citizenship as being more than a legal title (I am a Canadian Citizen because the bureaucrats need a way to categorize me). It couldn't possibly have any deeper connection to my identity. Why couldn't I be a member of the human race who happened to be from Canada? Why, like, narrow your definition of self when you're like, so much more universal than that, man? Citizenship implied patriotism, which implied a worship of the Nation-State as an unshakeable entity that will always exist in its present form. Patriotism is so easily confused with Nationalism. But even so, it just didn't seem to be a big part of my life. But the more I have learned about Canada, the world, and myself, the more I realize that I am who I am because of where I am, when I am, and whom I engage with. I think this is what it means to be a citizen. To be an individual and take part in one's community is to be a citizen. I live in a land called Canada and engage with other Canadians as a Canadian myself. I owe nothing to some abstract idea called Nation über alles. That, I think, would no longer be patriotism, or even citizenship. That would be secular idolatry. Rather, I have a responsibility to the land I live in and the people I live in it with. Canada has proven to have far more to do with me than I would have preferred. But that's the nature of the beast. So, I am learning to embrace the term citizen in a deeper, broader, and simpler meaning.

Now Saul goes into great detail about how this colonial mindset has affected the elite, but I think it has seeped into every corner of Canadian society. Our favourite word is 'sorry'. I find myself saying it, not even meaning it, but as a verbal tick as common as 'like' or 'um'. So often at my university I hear people say, with a dash of contempt, 'how Canadian of you' to someone who decides to take the middle road on an argument, seeking a happy medium--as if there were something really wrong with that. It's one thing to be laughed at and scorned by other countries, but when we ourselves don't have much self-respect, that is when I have to draw the line. I'm tired of 'being Canadian' being spoken of in a pejorative sense, as if it was the worst thing you could be.

As actors in training one of our biggest hindrances, we are told, is our Canadian dialect. It is higher-pitched, nasal, and tight-jawed. I'm tired of this being the outward trappings of Canadian. Of course, it is good for an actor to be able to have mastery over many dialects--as many as possible--but we forget that our own can be of great value as well. We need to start associating 'Canadian' with our strengths as well as our weaknesses.

As much as I'd like to think that my identity has nothing to do with my country's identity, everything is interconnected from macro to micro, so any issues with self-confidence I may possess might be related to something that runs deeper in us as a people. This is somewhat a relief, but also rather troubling. We need to learn to own what we have. Really own it. I'm tired of being led to believe that my school is sub-par because it is not American, and my training is not British. I have to face the facts that the quality of training might be elsewhere, but it is tied in with this vicious cycle of self-confidence. So I simply can't think that way anymore. I've seen too much diligence, skill, talent, and extraordinary intellectual and creative energy abounding right where I am to believe that it is of lesser value because it didn't come from somewhere else. I've seen too much weakened self-confidence in others around me and myself to accept that this is okay. We have something great, where we are in this country, and it needs to be identified and embraced.

*He uses Métis in a very loose sense, speaking of Canada being a marriage of European and Aboriginal, but not necessarily the specific group of people that emerged over time.


Rioki said...

@"But the more I have learned about Canada, the world, and myself, the more I realize that I am who I am because of where I am, when I am, and whom I engage with."

You should read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. It has a fascinating look at how people come to be who they are. I found it very eye-opening.

Liam said...

Well, that works in my favour! It just so happens that my dad has a copy of it. Perhaps I'll snatch it for some holiday reading...

Genny said...

This is totally something we talked about in Women's Studies. It just makes you think about the history that is written in invisible ink. It's still there.