Monday, August 1, 2011

My Day

Today was a hectic day. On top of it being BC's Heritage Day, which means my work hours are longer and all the pissy families and tourists come out, it was also the last day my parents were in town before they flew back to Calgary. I got to have lunch with them, and then I had to say goodbye. Thankfully my afternoon was busy enough that it didn't give me a chance to get too down in the dumps about them leaving. But I really am sad to see them gone. My family always rejuvenates me emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Naturally, it's hard to see them go. This is also on top of the fact that quite a few of my good friends have all moved away from Victoria. Growing pains, you know?

Anyway, after I came home from work, I had to get groceries and clean, and then work on transcribing dialogue for the Fringe show I'm working on. I was worried I would just be toiling away until bedtime, a thought which never wins my vote. It was very easy for me to get frazzled and stressed. I was coming home from a troublesome grocery trip, feeling especially put upon: all this little quotidian tasks were eating away at my time to relax, and enjoy myself. I was even madder because only an hour and a half earlier I had had a brief period of meditation, and was feeling all pleased with myself for having done so and grounded myself etc. etc. And then suddenly I'm back to reality and lo and behold! my knickers are in a knot!

But there was a moment, as I was parking my bike, when this notion came to mind: It's not all about me. And for some reason, that truism is all it took. It wasn't a "suck-it-up buttercup" kind of notion. Well it was, partially, but not entirely. You are not at the centre of the universe; okay sure, that's a drag. But it's also the greatest news you could ever get. This is an enormous relief. There is something greater than you, and the burden is not on you to have all your ego's demands met.

I will forget this truth soon enough, and will need some reminding periodically. But it was nourishing all the same, a good pick-me-up when my spirits are flagging. Hopefully it'll come up again, down the road.

Just thought I'd share that with y'all. I have an idea for an essay I'd like to write, and I'll post it on here when it comes into existence. Until then, have a wonderful night everyone.

1 comment:

Andrew Wade said...

It can be so hard to hold onto that realization sometimes.