Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hi folks! Back from the dead I am, and barely living it seems. I've survived the first semester, and like clockwork I get a cold as soon as I'm finished. But it's been a good semester overall. I worked hard, and I feel like I've earned a little rest. I'm back in Calgary right now, which is great. It's covered in snow and I'm gaining Christmas cheer with every day. Some say it's a superficial holiday, and I wouldn't argue that point. But I think it's all the more reason to reclaim it for ourselves. It takes more imagination the older you get, but I believe it's worth it.

I don't have much to say right now, but I'll be on here more often during the break. I promise. Hopefully an obligatory reflection on the decade, you know, that sort of thing. Regardless, you shall be hearing from me anon (that's right, anon)!

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