Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hello all (or none)!

As you can see, I've done some renovating. I wanted something a little brighter. After all, the world needs more brightness, yes? So I thought I'd begin with the wallpaper of my very own blog. The harbour is a good theme, I thought. It has an air of release, of new voyages, or home-comings.

Speaking of comings and goings, I'm finding more and more that I am wanting to go to Mount Allison less and less. It was never a first choice, but still.

It was a drab Spring Break. I barely got to see my friends. It had its very interesting moments though.

I've started driving for the first couple of times, and it's really not as bad as I thought it would be. At least, not as scary, anyway. I just hope I end up a good driver. And a good, upstanding citizen. In a middle-class suburban house. With a car. And a dog. And 1.5 children per family.......yeah, I really don't know where that came from.

I'm about 9 pages into this play and, well, so far so good. I can't believe I wrote At Bellafonte's so bloody fast! What the hell happened? And why can't I do that again?

I wish I could remember my dreams. Then I would document them and write about them here, in my blog, so at least there would be more interesting stuff to read.

Here's a quote by Shantideva that I have mixed feelings about. What are your thoughts, comrades?

"If you can do something about it, why worry?
If you can't do something about it, why worry?"

It's probably paraphrased, but you get the idea.

This month is going to be crazy in every way....brace yourself, Liam........

1 comment:

Kesineeee said...

This looks fantabulous Liam! However did you do it? Ahh yes, crazy month indeed...I am pretty excited about it though!