What should one write about? Thus far this has been a blog for general entries. I had intended it to be just a documentation of my unpolished literary efforts, my works-in-progress, but that didn't pan out. I guess the logic behind that was that my own life experiences lend themselves to my literary ones, so why differentiate?
For the ages, let the world know what I did on January 14, 2009:
8:10 AM. Woke up, slowly. It's always a struggle. my room is cold and dark; the sunlight never gets in.
9:30 AM. Started Day 2 of class with Kaz. The man is ancient, small and thin and very entertaining. He has silvery curly patches of hair on the sides of his otherwise bald head, and and silver goatee. He doesn't smile or laugh very much, but he enjoys himself. He is catlike in his movements, something I aspire to be, which is difficult for me. I'm pretty flexible for a guy, but I've lost what semblance of grace I got from dance. I didn't realize how tall I was until I was actually beside others in my acting class. I'm no Bryan Nothling or Brian Culp, but I have altitude. Anyway...
11:00 AM. Started read-through of Grace. We didn't get to me and Kes' scene yet. How disappointing. Soon enough, though!
12:30 PM. Forked over 20 bucks for a Phoenix t-shirt. Felt irritated because they didn't give any previous notice, so I had to give over money I had hoped to spend on food to get me through the day. But it's for a good cause.
1:30 PM. Had a lecture in Theatre History on Critiques of Victorian Ideals, specifically pertaining to Aestheticism, specifically pertaining to Oscar Wilde. That poor man had a bad ending to his artful life. It would've been terrible to see a man so intelligent, prolific, creative and congenial to have his spirit broken.
3:30 PM. Went to gym. Woohoo!
5:00 PM. Went to library, got books on Corinth, slavery in Ancient Greece, education and every day life in Ancient Greece. Still need to find stuff on Colchis, though. Dagnabbit. Got music from Wagner's Ring Cycle, and Spring Awakening. Wow, unintentional German fest!
6:30 PM Called Mom, talked to her and Ciaran and Gabby for a total of an hour and a half.
9:00 PM Watched Wayne's World with the twins. They enjoyed it, thank God, so it's not just good because of sentimental value.
10:30 PM Went over lines for Medea. At this point I don't know when I started doing other things, but I workshopped JIm's story more thoroughly, and now I'm here. And now I need only refer to this entry and I shall never forget what I did on this day that has never happened before and will never happen again. Of course, time is merely a human construct, as is the calendar. Without them, one day is just as much like any other day.
I look away for one second (or a couple weeks) and look how prolific you've been! I just want you to know that I still follow your blog, and enjoy everything you write and relate to most of it. You're kind of inspiring, really, despite (or because, maybe) the fact that I don't really know you that well in real life. Anyway, thanks.
Also, Wayne's World is gold.
With this entry, you reminded me of something I wanted to remind everyone about. In case you didn't know about it already, February 1st is Hourly Comic Day--where you chronicle your life, as it happens, every hour. (for the rcord, that doesn't mean "every hour on the hour"--If you wake up at 6:30 in the morning, do a comic sometime before 7, then another sometime before 8, and so on until the day is done). Also, don't be concerned about aesthetics. This is about documentation! Personally, I'd like to see all my pals participate, so we can each get an intimate glimpse into one day of each others' lives.
And now that I've finished advertising: I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much. But lately your entries have been so concise and wonderful that I feel like nothing else can be said.
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